The service team of Topkapı Endüstri offers authorized services both during the guarantee period of time and post-guarantee, ensuring equipment, spare parts and operation. Our original spare parts ensure maximum service life and reliability for your equipment.
Following options are available to maintain your power plant.
1.) Compherensive Service AgreementCSAs are specifically designed to meet your maintenance requirements; ranging from regular maintenance to total operation of your plant. CSA’s provides high availability for overall life time of the engine. This allows for more predictable operating costs over the lifetime of your equipment.
2.) Material Stream AgreementTopkapi offers a comprehensive inventory of spare parts. Critical spares are kept in the country to ensure that delivery times are kept to a minimum. In addition to wear-and-tear parts Jenbacher Service Hub also provides emergency spare part kits to ensure minimal downtime of your engines.
3.) Only Spare PartsYou can only buy spare parts when its necessary. But, please keep in mind that you will record less availability of your power plant
Major OverhaulOnce your Jenbacher engines reach the end of their 60 000 hour lifecycle, Topkapi offers several attractive service exchange programs. This includes on-site replacements with overhauled engines and upfront delivery so that the replacement is ready to swap when required. The exchange engine will include all the latest technological modifications available, updated wiring diagrams and a full 1 year factory warranty to ensure a further 60 000 hours operation.